Skulpturen Dissonans
Hvor Vi Er / Lysinstallasjon: Hvor Vi Er
Hvor Vi Er / Lydinstallasjon: 3D Partitur
Hvor Vi Er / Plassert #1 og #2
Hvor Vi Er / Veggpaneler: Interaksjon
Hvor Vi Er / Skulpturen: Tre Narrativer
Hvor Vi Er / Rosa Stripe og Blå Makro
Hvor Vi Er / Lysinstallasjonen Rosa Landskap
Hvor Vi Er / Skulpturen: Dansen
Installasjonen High Lights
The Eliminated Element: Neon Yellow / Neon Red / Yellow
The Eliminated Element: Silk Print
The Eliminated Element: THE ELEMENT
The Eliminated Element: TOKYO SCENE #1 – #6
The Eliminated Element: Desert #1 – #3
The Mist and I
Uklare Konturer Serie#2 / Indistinct Contours Series#2
Inside Out
Shots under Sanctions
Indistinct contours
Mexican sketches
Terminal poses
News from the subconsious
A man and his shadow + Fragments
Russian soldier
Playing man
Sri Lanka
Atmospheric I, II and III
Intermezzo I, II and III
Professor Meredith
Title Poster
Project description
Two woman and a man
Edition: 15
Two men passing by on bicycles
Man pulling a wagon
Boy working in a workshop I
A young man looking through fence
A moped passing by
A man with umbrella by the river
Man with umbrella
Man looking through wall
A street corner
Man repairing cable
A boiling pan and a boy
A woman preparing food
An empty street
Boy posing in front of a flag
Shanghai afternoon
Young girl posing
Two men playing
Old man laughing
Man sleeping in a wagon
Man reading a newspaper
Four waving flags
Four people in a square
Boy working in a workshop II
An old man and a bycicle
Boy grilling
Woman sleeps
An old man with a walking stick
An old man, two girls and a bycicle
A young man posing behind typography
A young man looking at a coffee pot
A waving red flag
A red flag i front of montains
A rainy street
A mother and child
A man, woman and flags
A man, a woman and a child
A group by a pool table
A family portrait
A boat on a river